The night opened with an explosive brawl around the building between Conflux and VSK, the Funky Fresh...
Victory Pro Wrestling has a rich history of professional wrestling on Long Island performing on Long Island in Centereach, Deer Park, Bay Shore, St. James, Babylon, North Babylon, Islip, Sachem, and Hofstra University. Victory Pro Wrestling has also performed in Brooklyn and Queens, New York, and in 2022 we debuted in the state of Connecticut. Since 2005, Victory Pro Wrestling raised thousands of dollars each year in fundraisers for our communities.
“German Hammer” Josef Von Schmidt d. Mike Magnum w/ Mikey Old School Von Schmidt avenged his recent...
Three Way Dance E.J. Risk d. “Your Hero” Mike Magnum w/ Mikey Old School & Razzle Dazzle...
Four Corner Elimination Flames (w/ Mikey Old School) d. Johnny “Muscles” Marinara, Reggaedones (w/ Tina San Antonio)...
The Jerry Fitzwater Show Fitzwater came out after the fans were welcomed in. As usual, he was...