Nick Noshus d. “Firebird” Jorge Santi For the third show in a row, Nick Noshus cheated his...
Victory Pro Wrestling has a rich history of professional wrestling on Long Island performing on Long Island in Centereach, Deer Park, Bay Shore, St. James, Babylon, North Babylon, Islip, Sachem, and Hofstra University. Victory Pro Wrestling has also performed in Brooklyn and Queens, New York, and in 2022 we debuted in the state of Connecticut. Since 2005, Victory Pro Wrestling raised thousands of dollars each year in fundraisers for our communities.
Nick Noshus confrontation with “Firebird” Jorge Santi Just as the ring announcer was welcoming everyone to the...
“The Good Guy” Azrieal d. Javi-Air It may have been the opening match, but the fans were...
Dead Presidents d. Eclipse w/ Jack O’Hearts After a war that waged for months, the Dead Presidents...
JMS d. Rocksha 337 This match was Rocksha’s VPW debut and subsequently JMS’ first win after a...