Victory Pro Wrestling delivered another unforgettable night of action at Blue November, where championships were defended, rivalries...
Victory Pro Wrestling has a rich history of professional wrestling on Long Island performing on Long Island in Centereach, Deer Park, Bay Shore, St. James, Babylon, North Babylon, Islip, Sachem, and Hofstra University. Victory Pro Wrestling has also performed in Brooklyn and Queens, New York, and in 2022 we debuted in the state of Connecticut. Since 2005, Victory Pro Wrestling raised thousands of dollars each year in fundraisers for our communities.
Some of the most chaotic matches in Victory Pro Wrestling history came at the request of our...
When Kyla Knight arrived on U.S. soil, she didn’t just come to wrestle—she came to make history....
Bryce Donovan demands respect. The former Victory Pro Wrestling champion went through a brutal rivalry with Jack...
The last time Tiffani Avatar stepped into the Victory Pro Wrestling ring, she faced off against the...